Are you someone seeking to further your self-knowledge and inner growth? Who is open and desiring new experiences within a community of like-minded kindred spirits? Big hearts and open minds are welcome!

Life is hectic. We are pulled in many directions. I act as a guide for my clients in focusing on the internal landscape for their maximal growth and positive impact. I have worked with people from many walks of life - creative fields, people in finance, athletes, homemakers, retirees, and young adults, seeking wisdom on their current paths. Clients reflect on their inner strengths and desires, finding resonance with true personal meaning in career, family, lifestyle, health, or relationships with my direction.

The prerequisite to our collaboration is a desire to learn and expand within yourself. YOU will be revealed within this process.

“I practice everything I share with my clients, and I know that building the muscle towards becoming YOU takes practice. When I’ve integrated all these techniques, I can honestly say that I have never felt more alive, embodied, excited, and peaceful within. It is a mission of mine to spread this energy forward to others. We can change society and the world this way”